
Category: Blogroll

The Great Hailstorm of 2013

It was enough to renew our sense of purpose. For a while. After two weeks of chopping,hauling, piling and seeing the “to do” pile was still larger than the “done piles.” (Seriously we have enough wood for five or six viking funerals) My husband was hearing my special words.

Gala Days

Gala Days isn’t about money, it isn’t about the attention you get when you are in the parade or play or winning on of the many contests or raffles. What makes the day special is our community comes together and individuals say “this is one way I can make you smile.” And guess what-smiles happened.

A Brand New Sun

The treadmill at a number 2 incline is nothing compared to the prairie that somehow became Mount Kilimanjaro outside my front door. The shock was so severe the first fifteen minutes involved contemplation of giving up running and making nice with the winter weight that came with that gray sun.