
Tag: happy endings

image of one cat yelling at the other

Eventually They Get It

The strongest tell tale sign of puberty is the voice. A drop in range makes the voice easier to hear so less force is required to project the sound. Fortunately, the kids don’t realize this so I hear every secret they try to hide. And the look of surprise, when confronted with the knowledge that they were thinking of ditching 4th hour is priceless.

The Old Distract Em Trick

The hubby’s birthday was the 31st.  This presented a double challenge.  First the day is 6, yes count them 6, days after Christmas.  And New Year’s Eve.  Trying to make his birthday significant with so many other things going on is a yearly challenge.  I have failed in this […]

It Went There!

Before I tell the story I gotta give some background.  Early in my marriage I returned home one evening to a very unhappy husband.  He hardly ever is unhappy so when he’s upset we know it’s gotta be bad.  Anybody that has known us for any amount of […]

Who’s Your Mama?

Up until now only those close to Mr. B and myself know there was an unresolvable point of contention in our marriage.  Note the “was.” This means this story will end either with a gushy awww or a giggle.  So here we go….. Oh the point.  My husband […]

Image of mountain landscape

Beauty for Ashes

There is a bible verse that says God will exchange “beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” Which is all good and well when you’re reading it, but it doesn’t feel so good when a person is in the first part of each of those exchanges.